Pre Employment & Workplace Safety - Drugs / Alcohol Testing
Drug and alcohol abuse can have serious consequences for employers and employees. It can cause injuries, absenteeism, lost production, poor performance and low morale, losses associated with inefficiency and damage to equipment and other property.
Employees with drug and alcohol problems can cause injury to themselves and others, lose their job, and damage their physical and mental health.
Workmates can be faced with an increased risk of injury and disputes, resulting from situations such as covering for a colleague’s poor work performance or having to report a work friend to management. And, frighteningly, it’s not necessarily the drug or alcohol user who is injured – innocent co-workers or bystanders can be the victims of workplace accidents. Having a hangover or coming down from drugs at work can be just as problematic as being intoxicated. [source: Business Australia drugs-and-alcohol-in-the-workplace]
Employees with drug and alcohol problems can cause injury to themselves and others, lose their job, and damage their physical and mental health.
Workmates can be faced with an increased risk of injury and disputes, resulting from situations such as covering for a colleague’s poor work performance or having to report a work friend to management. And, frighteningly, it’s not necessarily the drug or alcohol user who is injured – innocent co-workers or bystanders can be the victims of workplace accidents. Having a hangover or coming down from drugs at work can be just as problematic as being intoxicated. [source: Business Australia drugs-and-alcohol-in-the-workplace]
Praesidia Alliance has specially trained staff available for pre employment and workplace safety drug testing, they are certified to conduct oral fluid [mouth swab] drug presence testing according to the AS/NZS 4760:2019 screening process.
AS/NZS 4760:2019 Procedure for specimen collection and the detection and quantification of drugs in oral fluid
Drug presence testing is conducted using a disposable oral fluid test device certified to standard.
The device features a quick and easy collection mechanism, fast and consistent test results, and strong clear lines on the testing panels.
The device features a quick and easy collection mechanism, fast and consistent test results, and strong clear lines on the testing panels.
7 drugs of abuse tested for:
Testing Program options
1. Pre Employment Drug Test
Performed at Praesidia Alliance offices, 11am to 3pm Monday to Friday by appointment |
2. Repeat / Periodic Workplace Safety Drug Test
Performed at Praesidia Alliance offices, 11am to 3pm Monday to Friday by appointment |
3. Workplace Safety Drug Test
Performed at client workplace - 11am to 3pm Monday to Friday by appointment |
4. Workplace Safety Drug Test - After Hours 24/7
Performed at client workplace by call out, normal response time within 2 hours |
5. Workplace Safety Alcohol BAC Test
Performed at client workplace - 8am to 11am & 3pm to 6pm Monday to Friday by appointment |
6. Organisation Workplace Safety Testing Program
designed to suit specific employers / industries requirements |
Services Registration Required
Testing equipment details, and testing procedures and costings, may vary between employers depending on specific service requirements. Such service information together with actual testing are only available to employers who have been preregistered for these services with Praesidia Alliance.